Yet another tech goon blog.

Installing a .nupkg on an offline machine

The ability to find and install PowerShell modules from online sources like Nuget makes life for a Windows admin a smidge nicer. On the flipside, arbitrary trust of online package repositories and granting servers outbound internet access can be a nightmare for those tasked with protecting a network. You might find yourself needing to install a PowerShell module (as a nupkg file) on a system with restricted (or no) internet access, as one of our security consultants found himself needing to do.…
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#CyberCon 2019 in review

Our lead infosec analyst Pierre and I recently had the opportunity to attend CyberCon 2019 in Melbourne. The event is organised by AISA in collaboration with the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC). This event brings in 140+ infosec speakers and individuals from over 24 countries. With so many interesting sessions in technical, governance, and commercial ‘tracks’ it was difficult to select just one for any given hour-long block of time! Many of the sessions were so packed, people were standing in the lobby watching a feed of the session delivered to screens outside the conference rooms.…
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